Monday, May 9, 2016

10 months old!

This month Amelia made a lot of progress on hitting milestones! She is eating lots and lots more real food every day. She also has started to stand up on her own, and cruise along the edge of the sofa to help her walk. She can crawl really well. The doctor had a concern that we had checked out, there was a worry that she might have hip dysplasia, but it turns out that her hips are perfectly healthy! She's growing just the way she should!

She loves knocking over block towers!

Hours and hours of crawling around and playing on the floor can wear out a baby!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

9 months old already! She's growing so fast!

Amelia had a great first Easter Sunday! She had a big basket from the Easter bunny, and looked beautiful in her easter dress.  

 We had a great time at one of the parks down the street. Now that the weather is getting nicer, it will be great to be able to get outside more to play!

Amelia loved going down the slide (with some help!) and swinging in the baby swing. I'm including a fun video of her swinging too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Amelia is 8 Months Old!

 Amelia loves to play! She has lots of toys and other stuff around to explore!

She is super cute when she naps! 

It hasn't been too cold this winter, but luckily warm weather is on the way!

Amelia is really good when she is out at a restaurant like she is in this picture. As long as she can't reach the placemats or anything else on the table that is!

Nick really enjoys making these chalkboards each month! This month she got her first two teeth at the same time! They are the bottom middle ones, but she wouldn't let me get a picture!

Everyone always comments on how long she is! 

Lots of people tell us that she looks just like a doll. She is definitely a gorgeous baby!

Amelia is very close to being able to crawl! She has all of the motions and strength down, she just hasn't made that first "step" yet! She can stand by herself if she holds onto the couch too! 

As Spring approaches, we will get to take more and more walks outside like we did today! Amelia enjoys looking at all the things in the neighborhood, and running into familiar faces that ooh and aah over her! 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy New Year and Happy Half Birthday to Amelia! 6 months old already!

6 months old! Already?!

 Every three days we try a new food! So far we've had apples, bananas, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, and avocado.

From just a few days old to 6 months old in a flash!

It's hard work being a baby!