Saturday, August 29, 2015

Almost 8 weeks old!

It's hard to believe that Amelia is nearly 8 weeks old already! A lot has happened this month! She started daycare this week, and has been handling it really well! She's growing and growing too! She's about 10 1/2 pounds now and was 22 inches last time we measured her. She's been doing a great job sleeping too! She mostly only wakes up a couple of times a night now to eat a quick snack before falling back to sleep!

Every day she becomes a little more alert and responsive too. We're excited for her to be ready to babble and mimic expressions, but for now her soft coos and squishy snuggles are amazing!

We were able to get a breast milk donor, and she has transitioned to eating mostly breastmilk now! We feel so lucky that she is having the chance to get the extra antibodies and nutrients that she wouldn't get just from formula, and are thrilled that she made the transition easy!

She loves to be held, and especially likes to lay on Daddy's chest. She also likes to be carried around in the baby carrier!