Friday, December 25, 2015

Amelia's First Christmas!

We got dressed up in a fancy dress to go see Santa!

Amelia didn't cry when she was with Santa...but she wasn't very impressed either!

All winter break we've been trying new foods. This is one of the first ones Amelia tried, avocado...she wasn't a huge fan! Haha.

She was a happy baby on Christmas morning! Ready to open her mountain of presents!

Here's the first half of the presents! There were still a bunch more to come from grandparents!

Of all her presents, this one turned out to be one of her favorites!

She also had a blast rolling around in the wrapping paper! 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

5 months old already!

Amelia is still growing and growing! Every day she can sit up by herself a little more, and do all kinds of new things. She can grab things she wants now, and she can stand up with help. She is rolling from her back to her front with ease now too!
Just last week she tried her first taste of real food! It was mashed bananas...and she was not a fan of them! She made really funny faces while trying to eat them, but took several bites. 

 We had a fun Thanksgiving at a family friend's house, where everyone fawned over Amelia!

 People literally thought this was a picture of a baby doll. 

 Her five month chalkboard!

It's getting cold outside!

Monday, November 9, 2015

4 months old! (17 weeks!)

Baby Amelia just keeps growing! Here she is in her usual monthly spot posing for her picture of the month! I tried and tried for a smile, but she just wasn't having it. It seems like every time I try to take a picture she stops smiling and becomes entranced by the camera!

She is getting really good at sitting up in her Bumbo chair. It's great to have one more option that she can sit in that is easy to move around the house. 

 She's playing with a crocheted jellyfish that Grammy made for her. She loves pulling on the colorful tentacles!

And here she is stretched out on her changing table! She is such a long little baby! 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Baby's First Halloween! 2015

We've been using the nickname "Ladybug" for Amelia for quite a while, so it only made sense that she should be one for Halloween!

Of course, an owl would have been appropriate too:

Monday, October 5, 2015

3 months (13 weeks) old already!

It is hard to believe that our little Amelia is already 3 months old! She has been growing and growing, and has gone from being a little on the small side to being in the 75 percentile for length and the 50th percentile for weight! 

She continues to hit her developmental milestones too! Lately she has really started waking up to the world around her. She makes a lot more noise, will play with some of her toys, smiles all of the time now, and will reach out and touch specific things instead of just randomly swinging her arms! She loves looking in mirrors, and she loves the sounds of rattles and music.

She stills sleeps quite a bit, but is spending more of her time awake and alert. She usually takes a big nap in the afternoon, then another in the evening, and then finally goes to bed for real around midnight. Most nights she sleeps until about 6am, ready to eat again before heading off to day care.

 It's just started getting cold here, and you can definitely tell that it is Fall. We usually have to get pants, socks, and a hoodie on before heading out to day care each morning. 

Amelia can hold her head up really well, and should be able to sit up by herself in another month or so! She likes doing tummy time now too!

It has been really great to see her become more and more interested in the things around her. Sometimes she notices something in the room and almost becomes hypnotized by it! 

It's a lot easier to get pictures that aren't blurry when Amelia sleeps! When she is awake she is constantly kicking her legs and swinging her arms! She's definitely active! Just a few more months and she'll be mobile! Uh oh!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Almost 8 weeks old!

It's hard to believe that Amelia is nearly 8 weeks old already! A lot has happened this month! She started daycare this week, and has been handling it really well! She's growing and growing too! She's about 10 1/2 pounds now and was 22 inches last time we measured her. She's been doing a great job sleeping too! She mostly only wakes up a couple of times a night now to eat a quick snack before falling back to sleep!

Every day she becomes a little more alert and responsive too. We're excited for her to be ready to babble and mimic expressions, but for now her soft coos and squishy snuggles are amazing!

We were able to get a breast milk donor, and she has transitioned to eating mostly breastmilk now! We feel so lucky that she is having the chance to get the extra antibodies and nutrients that she wouldn't get just from formula, and are thrilled that she made the transition easy!

She loves to be held, and especially likes to lay on Daddy's chest. She also likes to be carried around in the baby carrier!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

She's already 3 weeks old!

At just over 3 weeks old, Amelia is still being a really good baby! She's not too fussy unless she wants something...but when she wants something, she REALLY wants it! She mostly does the typical baby things of sleeping, eating, and getting messy! She's not a huge fan of tummy time yet, but we're getting there!